Welcome to the Official Website of S.S. Water Supply Corporation!


28 March 25, 1507:  As of this writing, repairs to Well 7 are complete and we are routing water back through normal distribution channels.  There may still be some discoloration after normal service is restored, so if this happens please call so we can flush the nearest main.  Thank you for your patience.

25 March 25, 2110:  Emergency repair work on Well No. 7 began today, and we needed to divert water from other parts of the system that are farther away from the affected areas.  This water diversion is causing water discoloration due to iron re-oxidation that is resultant from the higher flow water diversions.  We are aware of the issues and inconveniences this may cause, and we ask that you please bear with us as we work through these casualties as quickly as possible.  Thank you.

24 March 25:  Due to ongoing new well construction at our plant at Ranch Country West for Well No. 15, both it and the existing Well No. 11 are out of service.  Additionally, Well No. 7, the backup well that has been providing service to areas normally served by Ranch Country West, needs emergency maintenance.

As such, emergency repair work on Well No. 7 begins today, and we expect work to be completed no later than Friday, 28 March 25.  During this time, no outside water use is permitted except for livestock.  Lawn irrigation, pool filling, and all other non-life sustaining uses of water are strictly prohibited.  This is to ensure everyone stays in water and first responders have access to the water needed to fight fires during this time of limited water availability in these areas.

We will update this post once repairs are complete.  Thank you for heeding this urgent conservation call.

13 December 24:  Good News!  On 4 August 2022, EPA released Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a [Lead] Service Line Inventory to support water systems with their efforts to develop inventories and to provide states with needed information for oversight and reporting to EPA.  In less opaque terms, EPA required all water utilities in the U.S. to inventory all of their water lines to check for the presence of any lead service lines or materials that may contain lead.

SS Water reviewed its construction, installation, and inspection records, and completed its inventory by the 14 October 2024 deadline.  We are pleased to report that we have no lead lines nor lines affected/under the influence of lead anywhere on our water distribution system!  Going forward, we will keep track of our water line inventory to ensure no lead service lines nor materials that contain lead get installed on our system.

Need to report discolored water?

Discolored Water Info + Reporting

Water discoloration due to naturally occuring iron in our water source is not uncommon.  These episodes tend to occur more frequently during the peak water usage months of April-October, whenever we have water main breaks, or if first responders are using fire hydrants.  More information and instructions on how to report water discoloration issues can be found by clicking the link above.


Online Bill Pay and Paperless Billing

Looking for the most convenient way to pay your bill? We offer a wide variety of payment options to our customers.  For information about E-Bills or to sign up for paperless billing please call our office at 830-779-2837, or email at csr@sswater.net and ask a friendly representative to sign you up for ebills today!  Or simply click on the green button below and choose the option that best suits your needs...

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Please conserve water!

August 08, 2023

Please conserve water!

The hot summer days are here, so water demand on our system will be high. Our system is designed to support human consumption and livestock, not filling pools nor watering lawns.

Excessive water usage will result in Water Conservation Stage changes to ensure water availability system-wide and to support firefighting capabilities.

Thank you for your support!

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Welcome Spring & Springtime Prep!

Welcome Spring & Springtime Prep!

March 24, 2025

As the days grow longer and the weather begins to warm, it's time to shake off the winter chill and prepare for the vibrant renewal of spring. From sprucing up your home to revitalizing your lawn and garden, there's plenty to do to welcome the new season with open arms. 

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